Welcome, it has been a new start in many ways at Privett Montessori Nursery. The children have said goodbye to Kate and her excellent team and welcomed a new team, Miss. Veronica, Miss. Sarah and from time to time Miss. Maike. All of the children have settled in happily and we are spending a few weeks getting to know each other. With this in mind, we started off with the topic “ All About Me” and have been learning about ourselves, our families and pets. The children have also been working on a little book entitled “All About Me” and these will be coming home next week and some already have arrived home.
During the sunny September weather, we were able to enjoy our snack in the garden, resulting in smiles all over. Our new mud kitchen has been well received, occasionally even resulting in a queue to play in it. Mrs Sarah also took the opportunity to read great stories in and our lovely willow den, capturing the children’s full attention.
Towards the end of September, we welcomed Lorna back with, coaching us in our first outdoor playball session of this school year.
In October, our topic is about the life cycle of apples and leaves and we encourage the children to bring different types of leaves from your home surroundings for our nature table. During this month we will also start to use Tapestry to support and share your child’s learning with you.
Please press the box to download the September newsletter including pictures.
September 2020 Newsletter Home Page
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