Summer 2024 diverse activities

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Diverse activities

After a delightful Easter break, the children eagerly shared with us their diverse activities that they undertool during their holiday adventures. Recounting exciting Easter egg hunts and an abundance of chocolate eggs were a few examples. Their enthusiasm set a cheerful tone for the upcoming term, filled with diverse and engaging activities.

Our first topic upon returning was wildflowers. In the craft area, the children crafted and decorated vases with daisies from the garden, showcasing their creativity and fine motor skills. During group time, we explored pictures of various flowers, learning to identify different types of wildflowers such as bluebells, poppies, and buttercups.

Picking daisies and other wild flowers in the garden of Privett Montessori Nursery School part of a range of diverse activities this 2024 summer

Wild flower display at Privett Montessori Nursery School

To celebrate Earth Day, we watched a short video highlighting the importance of environmental conservation. We read numerous books about recycling, such as The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle and “Michael Recycle,” and engaged in discussions about how we can reuse, reduce, and recycle. The children also painted vibrant pictures of the planet in the craft area, expressing their understanding of the need to protect our Earth.

In the following weeks, we introduced the topic of healthy eating. The children, among a range of diverse activities children created collages featuring healthy foods and designed healthy eating lunch boxes, which helped them visualize and understand balanced meals.

Two four year old children and their teacher are preparing snacks together for later during the day a 3 year old boy is eating various fruits that he took from a large fruit bowl Two 4 year old boys eating a plate full of fruit at Privettt Montessori Nursery School part of a range of diverse activities this 2024 summer

For our cooking activity, we made rainbow fruit plates with an assortment of colourful fruits and vegetables like strawberries, oranges, kiwis, and blueberries. This sparked lively conversations around the lunch table and during group time about the significance of a balanced diet.

Complementing our healthy eating discussions, we had a visit from NHS staff who spoke to the children about overall well-being. They emphasized the importance of eating well, exercising, relaxing, and maintaining dental hygiene. The NHS staff led a group activity that included a food board exercise, stretches, and deep breathing exercises for relaxation. They also demonstrated proper tooth brushing techniques, allowing the children to practice brushing a picture of stained teeth until they were clean, reinforcing the message of good dental hygiene.

After half term, our focus shifted to London. During group discussions, the children learned to identify various London landmarks such as Big Ben, the Tower Bridge, and Buckingham Palace. We sang traditional songs like “London’s Burning” and “London Bridge is Falling Down,” which the children enjoyed immensely. For a group craft activity, we painted a tall box and transformed it into Big Ben. In the craft area, the children made model London buses using cardboard boxes and red paint, further immersing them in the cultural and historical aspects of London.

Children between the age of 2 and 4 that are raising the Big Ben that they made out of card board in the grounds of Privett Montessori Nursery School Seven three to four year olds that made a replica of Big Ben out of cardboard and are rasing it together in the garden of Privett Montessori Nursery School

As Father’s Day approached, the children shared stories about special activities they enjoy with their fathers, from playing in the park to reading bedtime stories. They learned a special song to sing to their dads and made heartfelt cards decorated with drawings and stickers, expressing their love and appreciation.

Our next topic was “People Who Help Us,” highlighted by an exciting visit from paramedics. They explained their roles and how they assist people in emergencies, even gifting us toy ambulances for our role-play area. During group time, we used flashcards as to identify various professions, such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, and teachers. The children enjoyed dressing up and acting out different roles, which helped them understand the contributions of these essential workers. Concurrently, children transitioning to school had visits from their new teachers and attended settling-in sessions at school. We discussed school uniforms and shared books about Froxfield School to ease the transition and prepare them for the next big step in their educational journey.

Ambulance working who came and visisted Privett Montessori Nursery school to explain how he helps people

As part of our diverse activities, we  introduced our sports topic, discussing the importance of exercise and participation in sports. We used pictures to identify different types of sports, such as football, tennis, and swimming. In the craft area, the children created sports collages and made their own gold medals in preparation for sports day. Fortunately, the weather cooperated, allowing us to celebrate with a sports day and family picnic. The children participated in various races and games, demonstrating teamwork and physical skills, while families cheered them on and enjoyed the festivities including our 2024 graduation ceremony! Class of 2023 - 2024 consisting of 8 children sitting outside in a Privett Montessori sweater and graduation hat

Our final adventure was a nursery trip to Durleigh Marsh. The children enjoyed picking raspberries, red currants, black currants, and blueberries. Despite the recent adverse weather conditions limiting our strawberry findings to just two, the large, juicy raspberries more than made up for it, and we collected punnets full of fruit. The trip provided a hands-on learning experience about where our food comes from and the joys of fresh produce.

Throughout these diverse activities, the children learned and engaged with their surroundings, enriching their understanding of nature, health, community helpers, and the joy of exploration. The variety of topics and hands-on experiences not only made learning fun but also fostered a sense of curiosity and appreciation for the world around them.


Lastely, we would like to thank all the parents for all their lovely cards and presents!

Have a lovely summer and looking forward to September 2024 as we will then open full time!

Full Time Time Table

Privett Montessori is open Full Time from September 2024


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