
26. April 2021 – healthy eating

Saturday, May 1st, 2021

Healthy eating

Our healthy eating theme proved very popular with the children. We, learnt about healthy and unhealthy foods. The children, identified lots of different fruits and vegetables. We learnt that some grow in the ground, like the potatoes we planted. Others grow above the ground, such as the strawberries, which we also planted and fruits grows on trees and bushes. 

Pre-school children planting strawberries in the flower bed at Privett Montessori Nursery School


We, discussed the importance of eating a healthy varied diet including lots of different coloured vegetables on our plate. We, even made some rainbow kebabs with lots of different fruits and vegetables.

Healthy eating: Pre-school children preparing fruit sticks at Privett Montessori Nursery school

We furthermore, at lunchtime we chatted about the food in our lunchboxes and the importance of drinking water to keep us hydrated.

The Montessori fraction puzzle was proving very popular and the children continued playing and learning about whole, halves, thirds and quarters and even fifths. The theme continued itself during snack time, as the children started talking and cutting pears or bananas in halves, which was great fun.  

3 year old girl, who is very pleased using Montessori equipment to learn about halves and quarters
child fascinated by using montessori equipment to learn about 6th
child puzzling with Montessori equipment

In our fun science topic, we discussed the importance of washing our hands and we did a fun experiment putting glitter on our hands. We then washed them by firstly using water and secondly using soap. This, lead us to surprisingly discover that we need to wash our hands with soap and to remove all the germs thoroughly and if we don’t they will stick with us just like glitter.

Veronica, the teacher is sitting outside with 6 children showing them a stamp
Children doing arts and craft using glue to stick their pictures in a book

In the craft area, we made some amazing healthy eating plates with rainbow-coloured vegetables and fruit. We even made some recipe books with healthy food pictures. In the book area, we read lots of books including, Oliver’s Fruit Salad and Handa’s Surprise, which made our tummies rumble.

To consolidate our healthy eating topic, we planted some tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and strawberry plants that were very kindly donated to us by Two Acres Nursery (

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25. March 2021 – happy world book day 2021

Saturday, April 3rd, 2021

World Book day 2021

World Book day 2021: What a busy month we have had at nursery. During the first week of March, we celebrated World Book Day, the children brought in their favourite books to share with their friends and to celebrate further many dressed up, we had a skeleton, cat, ninja, puppy, fairy and pirate. One of our favourite books is Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We enjoyed reading the story and having porridge at snack time, a key highlight of world book day 2021. We learnt about small, medium and large and ordered some bowls and spoons according to size.

To read more about World book day 2021, please press the button

World book day

children celebrating world book day 2021, all dressed up at Privett Montessori Nursery School

During the second week of March, our topic was Mother’s Day, we discussed how much we love our families and we learnt a very special song called “I love my Mummy” .Hopefully your child sang it to you. The craft area was very busy as well, as we made cards, flowers and some vegan chocolate hearts for Mummy. During our cooking sessions we made our chocolate hearts. We also learnt during our fun science, how chocolate melts, when it is heated and then solidifies when it cools down.  

During the third and fourth week we started planting some seeds to put in our raised beds when the weather warms up a little. We planted some beetroot, carrots and potatoes. Hopefully, in the summer we can all taste some home grown produce. We have also entered the Privett and Froxfield virtual flowers show and we painted some daffodil pictures and spring flowers. For fun science we discovered how a bean starts to germinate when it is placed in water, then the children draw what they could see sprouting from the bean.

For our final week, we were busy with Easter craft, we decorated some eggs to hang on our tree we made some Easter Bunnies and had an Easter Egg Hunt in our garden. The best part of the end of the term must have been our Easter, chocolate. The children were very surprised to find little chocolate rabbits hiding in the garden.

We made the most of the lovely early spring sunshine and had a picnic lunch outside. We hope you all have a safe and relaxing break we start back on Monday 19th April.

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24. February 2021 – birds

Sunday, February 28th, 2021


Birds: During the first week of February, we all enjoyed learning about ‘Garden Birds’. Some families joined in the ‘RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch’ and they recorded the birds they had seen in their gardens.

At nursery we made some bird feeders and hung some in the woods when we went for a walk. The children also made a hide in which to watch the birds and of course every birdwatcher needs binoculars. We made some binoculars and used them as we went for walks in the fields, we even saw a red kite flying overhead and some pheasants in the nursery car park.

Three children at Privett Montessori Nursery School, using binoculars for the big bird watch!
children at their look out to watch birds






Pre-school children at Privett Montessori Nursery School Eating Noodles to celebrate Chinese new year

During the second week we learnt about the Chinese New Year, at snack time the children used some chopsticks to eat some noodles. We watched a short video about Chinese New Year celebrations and we danced with some streamers to a Chinese dragon dance.  Before half term we also made some small vegan heart shaped biscuits to share with our families.

During the last week of February, we had fun learning all about opposites. We created a train out of chairs and drove all around. The children made some day and night pictures, we chatted about things that make us happy and things that make us sad and we learnt an opposites song. The children practiced their cutting skills and cut some short pieces of paper and some long pieces.  

Outside we had a floating and sinking activity and we tried to work out if different objects would float or sink.


Finally, we have started to see signs of Spring in our nursery garden as snowdrops and daffodils are coming out.

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23. January 2021 – Arctic

Sunday, February 28th, 2021


Our ‘Arctic Topic’ certainly fitted in with the weather this month, as we have been learning about the Arctic and the amazing animals that live there. We, watched a short video about the Arctic Tundra and one called a ‘Walk in the Arctic’. We, conducted a small science experiment and discovered how water turns to ice and we rescued some toy animals that were stuck in the ice. Outside we also found some ice and made footprints on the frosty grass.

Arctic: Child playing with ice find outside

The children worked together to create an Artic area display made out of cardboard, white paint, cotton wool and other materials with artic animals, a cave and snow.

Most excitingly, we were granted permission from Fawley Farms to take the children for our “squirrel walks” around their fields. We have enjoyed lots of long muddy walks exploring the fields and the woods, where we built a den and jumped in muddy puddles. Hopefully, you saw some of the photos on Tapestry or Facebook.





Children at Privett Montessori playing in the same coincidentally in the same week when we were teaching about the Arctic as a topic

Finally, during the last week of January the weather aligned to “our topic” enabling lots of snow to play in. We headed off with a backpack containing hot chocolate and homemade bread, after all that walking and exploring in the snow, we needed a snack to warm us up.

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The next day with the snow still in the garden we made some snowmen and used Miss Veronica’s hat for our biggest snowman.

We continued with our cooking activities as well and we made bear faces out of yoghurt. The children furthermore cut their own bananas or cucumbers, spooned the yoghurt into a circular cutter and made a bear face with banana cucumbers and blueberries. The best part of it all was eating it during snack time, which we thoroughly enjoyed.

The children have certainly enjoyed learning about the Artic. They can name many animals that live in the Artic and they understand how these animals keep warm in snow and ice. As the lockdown continues, we hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well.


22. December 2020 – prime colour fun

Sunday, February 28th, 2021

Prime colour fun

Prime colours: Another busy month at nursery. We have been exploring colours and discovering what happens when we mix the prime colours together. We had a lot of fun making a large mail box. The children worked together to paint and decorate it, then lots and lots of letters were written and posted to Father Christmas.
child mixing prime colours at Privett Montessori nursery school



2 girls making a mailbox with prime colours


We have all been busy making Christmas craft, some clay candle holders, bauble cards with buttons and sparking decorations involving lots of glitter. The children have been learning some Christmas songs, you may have heard them singing some at home.

During “Welcome Time”, we have been learning how to have kind gentle hands and how to help our friends. We have introduced some grace and courtesy demonstrations and the children have been practicing how to set the table for snack time. We also continue our PE classed and had lots of fun outside.



Finally, we finished the last week of term baking some vegan Gingerbread cookies and having our Christmas Party.




So, it is goodbye to 2020! And yes, the Christmas Holidays will be a little different this year! We, on behalf of Privett Montessori Nursery School, wish you and your loved ones a safe, happy and peaceful break and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!


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21. October 2020 – Happy Autumn learning

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

Happy Autumn learning

autumn learning: five 3 year olds with leaves and buckets

Autumn learning: During October, we have been learning about Autumn. The children enjoyed finding colourful leaves outside and lots and lots of acorns. They found so many that some may have found their way home, hiding inside coat pockets.

We learnt about the life cycle of the apple tree and cut up apples to discover and count the seeds. The children asked many questions and were amazed to learn that a tree could grow out of just a seed.


weighing apples as part of happy Autumn learning

The had fun in weighing apples on scales and helped with making apple crumble. We also enjoyed tasting apples from miss Veronica’s apple tree during snack time

In our tactile sensory learning, we discovered what happens when corn flour and water mix together. It resulted in lovely slime that we felt slipping though our fingers.

We, also decorated a pumpkin and drew faces. After slicing the top, the children brilliantly worked together to scoop out the pumpkin seeds & flesh

On the last day of half term the children came in many different outfits. We had lots of spooky fun, made spiders, pumpkins, passed the parcel and danced to some Halloween songs. 

Read more on where to find local pumpkins

Durleigh March – Read more

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20. September 2020 – Welcome

Sunday, October 4th, 2020


Welcome to our new mud kitchen at Privett Montessori Nursery SchoolWelcome, it has been a new start in many ways at Privett Montessori Nursery. The children have said goodbye to Kate and her excellent team and welcomed a new team, Miss. Veronica, Miss. Sarah and from time to time Miss. Maike. All of the children have settled in happily and we are spending a few weeks getting to know each other. With this in mind, we started off with the topic “ All About Me” and have been learning about ourselves, our families and pets. The children have also been working on a little book entitled “All About Me” and these will be coming home next week and some already have arrived home.

During the sunny September weather, we were able to enjoy our snack in the garden, resulting in smiles all over. Our new mud kitchen has been well received, occasionally even resulting in a queue to play in it. Mrs Sarah also took the opportunity to read great stories in and our lovely willow den, capturing the children’s full attention.

Towards the end of September, we welcomed Lorna back with, coaching us in our first outdoor playball session of this school year.

In October, our topic is about the life cycle of apples and leaves and we encourage the children to bring different types of leaves from your home surroundings for our nature table. During this month we will also start to use Tapestry to support and share your child’s learning with you.

Please press the box to download the September newsletter including pictures.

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2. Autumn 2020 – New Ownership

Saturday, August 22nd, 2020

New Ownership

We will open on 7 September under new ownership and have updated our Dates & Fees for you.

Please contact in case of any questions.

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