16. Summer Term 2018-music

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018


Our project work was about music. Children and parents brought in their instruments so the children could play and make music. We are very grateful to Ailsa, Olly and Maike who each played their viola, flute and cello, respectively, to us.  The children asked lots of questions about music and instruments and were very keen to play Maike’s small cello that she had played as a child.

In circle time,  we showed the children a variety of percussion instruments and encouraged them to explore how they could change the sound they made by playing them in different ways.   The children became very good at watching the “conductor” and following directions.  Some of the children enjoyed forming groups to compose and play their own music.

Many of the children brought in their instruments from home, including a violA 3 year old girl playing music on a drum at Privett Montessori Nursery schoolin, keyboards and African drum.   James brought one of the most unusual instruments in for us, a spolum drum.  It sounds beautiful however it is played!  Our project certainly provided a great opportunity for all the children to hear and play many different instruments.  One morning, music therapist, Christina, from Balloons and Tunes, came and played her guitar and sang to us.  Christina also brought in a few of her own instruments that the children played while she accompanied them on the guitar.

DurinA 4 year old girl playing music on the cello at Privett Montessori Nursery Schoolg the term many of our children visited their new schools and we were visited by many of their future teachers.  The children loved showing their teachers around the Nursery and proudly showed off their work.

Looking for a good book on the Montessori approach to music, please press the Read more button.

Read more about music


In May, we asked parents to come into Nursery to help the children make models for the Privett Flower Festival held at Privett Church at the end of the month.  For three mornings the Nursery was filled with Mums, Dads, babies and all manner of model making materials.  All sorts of amazing creatures; spiders, caterpillars, sheep, birds and fish were created. We are going to borrow a few ideas for our future craft projects!

Outdoors, we enjoyed one of the driest summers I can remember.  In the garden, which Andrew had prepared for us in the Spring, we planted potatoes and various herbs.  We also planted beans and radishes but they sadly failed to thrive due to the dry conditions.

In July, the parents organised and catered for a leavers lunch.  Particular mention should go to Francesca for her tiramisu, which was truly sublime and to Antonio for his very delicious tortilla!

Our annual Games Day was held on the last day of term and Lorna, once again took it upon herself to organise all the games for us.  The children were able to demonstrate many of the skills they have practised during the year in Lorna’s Playball classes.

We wish all our children success, fun and happiness in their new schools.  We will miss you all and trust that you will keep in touch and visit from time to time.

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